Lifestyle + Wellness

5 Reasons Why Health Retreats Are Worth It

Wellness is the most valuable life asset you can attain, it is a divine gift and a sanctuary of life. When you abide by the fundamental principles of health and wellness, blessings beyond your imagination will begin to flourish. 

Today we find ourselves surrounded by modern conveniences. There are so many, in fact, that it’s easy to overlook just how inconvenient modern living can be. Did you know that human beings were originally designed to stop and completely rest one full 24 hr cycle every week. Studies have shown outstanding results on total wellness of mind, body and soul which have resulted in overall extended life span and quality of life of up to 7 years and more than the average healthy person could expect.

That’s where Om&Away comes in. Life has become so busy that many feel they simply don’t have the time for health and wellbeing. Retreats are a convenient way to jumpstart a new wellness plan and gain much-needed guidance on the path to a holistically healthy new you.

body+soul shared the top 5 reasons why Health Retreats are worth it…

1. Looking for a BIG Idea?

Many people you talk to who go on health holidays will talk of feeling “recharged” and having a new found “clarity” that helps them set new goals – in fact, Bill Gates is rumored to have come up with the concept of Microsoft whilst on Retreat.

Basically, we don’t just relax because it’s fun; relaxation is really important and the evidence isn’t just anecdotal.

When we rest the brain, change scenery and begin to unwind, the way we do in a retreat environment, we start to think more clearly – and wouldn’t we all want to do whatever we could boost our chances of thinking up an idea like Microsoft?

2. Needing Mind-Body Connection?

Physically moving your muscles and manipulating your body – as with yoga, massage or progressive muscle relaxation – can also provide a mental release.

Time out at a retreat is the moment you can give yourself permission to prioritise your yoga, mindfulness, meditation practices. You can also partake in music therapy, watsu, feldenkrais, hypnotherapy which can have transformative benefits. These types of sessions can help you feel better mentally, improve quality of life and may also help to ease symptoms of some chronic conditions.

3. Do You Seriously want to Achieve Your Key Health Goals?

Sometimes we need tough love. Whether it’s to lose weight, get fitter or learn to sit still. Retreats with a disciplined program and professional staff can help you get results in a short space of time. As we know, kick starting these types of goals at home with the usual temptations around can result in failure.

Being with like-minded people in a retreat setting is an added force to help you stay on course. At the very least you can complain to each other, however one thing is for certain you’re more likely to get the result you want.

4. Feeling Overawed by all the Food Myths and Diets?

If you want to eat well, understand the qualities of good nutritious foods and learn how to prepare health dishes at home, then find a retreat that is credible and has a strong education program such as cooking demonstrations and seminars.

Giving yourself a break from the indulgences and excesses of life – too much alcohol, caffeine, sugar, junk food etc can leave you feeling re-energised and lighter. Take the challenge and go without these excesses for 7 days. Not all retreats offer this. My advice; try it. Be prepared to get uncomfortable and then feel your energy levels skyrocket.

5. Want to Firm Up Your Grip on Life?

Health retreats are great if you are on the edge of losing it. Look at it this way, it is easier to tell your friends and family you are going to a health retreat than it is to say you are going to rehab!

Think about what you have done this past year to get away from the fray and to look at your career and personal life from different perspective. Are you happy? Or are you just coping? Retreats provide perspective through introspection and support.

Fully immersing yourself in a retreat experience with professional staff and a credible program can make you feel human again and support long-term change.

Visiting a retreat forces you to STOP. To break the maddening routine that perhaps is not serving you. It affords you some space, fresh air, healthy food, some exercise and much needed rest. It’s a time effective way to get educated, reflect on your health and contemplate change. You won’t need a holiday from this kind of holiday because you come away re-freshed, re-energized and re-focused and maybe a few kilos lighter. Who knows you may even come away with a life changing idea.


Thank you body+soul for sharing why health retreats are worth it!

Start your wellness experience at Om & Away now.

Be Good To Yourself,


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